
Why I've Put Away All My Spartan Race Medals...

Why I've Put Away All My Spartan Race Medals...

I’ve been struggling this past month with a feeling of…ambivalence, I guess would be the word (or maybe indifference?), when it comes to my own training and nutrition. This may seem a strange thing to hear from a personal trainer and nutrition coach, but hey…I’m just as human and fallible as any of you!

I made a commitment to endeavour to lead by example this year, and this is hardly the example I want to set, so I’ve been keeping these thoughts / feelings to myself and just trying to work them out behind the scenes. Again, though - sometimes I just need to get stuff down on “paper” (or the current digital equivalent) to work stuff out, so here goes…

Reflections On A Rough Start To 2021

Reflections On A Rough Start To 2021

As I sit here, NOT running my first training sessions of 2021 this morning due to a gout attack (something which is, thankfully, quite rare for me these days, but this one was particularly ill-timed), I find myself reflecting on what I plan to do with myself this year, and the challenges I may face.

I have set myself four main tasks to work on this year to help me become a better coach and leader, and in particular to aid me in leading by example with those over whom I have some influence (however small):

  1. Practice and improve my craft as a Nutrition Coach.

  2. Explore my limits as a Multi-Disciplinary Athlete.

  3. Further develop my skills as a Cook and Baker.

  4. Practice and improve my craft as a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle Content Creator.

Here’s what I’m thinking…

Is "Eating Clean" Driving You Crazy?

Is "Eating Clean" Driving You Crazy?

When most people think of obsessive behaviour around food, they think of the classic “food addiction” kind of person, who craves and/or gorges themselves on unhealthy treats, or an “emotional eater” who eats to feel better about themselves or their lives, to distract themselves from their other issues, or simply because they’re bored. Sometimes, these behaviours can lead to eating disorders like bulimia as people punish themselves for their indulgence. These are real problems, and take work to overcome. (If any of that sounds like you, we can help, or at least point you in the right direction – Contact Us to start the discussion)

Today, though, I want to talk about the other end of the spectrum, which is at least as damaging to your mental and emotional well-being, and often comes about when someone has worked their way through one or more of those classic food addiction or emotional eating issues, or has been a chronic dieter. While eating healthier overall is an admirable goal, constantly worrying about “eating clean” or berating yourself for not being restrictive enough or “perfect” at sticking with a better diet is very unhealthy. In fact, it has its own disorder – orthorexia.

Once Again, I Have Failed

Once Again, I Have Failed

Sunday, September 29, 2019
On yesterday’s Valley Vertikiller 25K Clinic training run, I failed.

Right around the 15K mark of a planned 20K distance (with 1,100m of climbing!), my legs fought back against my will with a vengeance. Excruciating cramps in my hip flexors, quads and adductors literally brought me to a standstill, and I had to will my muscles to relax enough to keep moving forward. Every step from that point forward was an exercise in suffering and anger.

Starting All Over Again - My Fitness Journey

Starting All Over Again - My Fitness Journey

Coming from a guy whose business is training others and coaching them on their nutrition and lifestyle habits, what I'm about to tell you may be a bit of a shock. I am unhealthy and out of shape, and it's exactly because I haven't been eating right or exercising enough in the last year or so. I have not been "walking the talk" as the saying goes.

Today, I bought some new pants, and in my mind, all hell broke loose.

I put on a pair of 34" waist cargo pants - barely - and thought, "WTF has happened to me?" I mean, I had to full-on suck in my gut and worry the button was going to break off squeeze those suckers on.