Loving Yourself While Still Wanting To Change

Loving Yourself While Still Wanting To Change

When it comes to making lasting change, one stumbling block that I’ve seen with clients and come up against in my own journey of self-discovery and behaviour change, is the apparent dichotomy between loving and accepting one's self as-is versus the desire to improve and be one's best self.

In simpler terms, "How can I truly love myself, yet still want to change?" (Read more…)

Why You CAN'T Stop Overeating

Why You CAN'T Stop Overeating

Have you ever wondered why there are certain things you just...CAN'T...STOP...EATING?

It may have nothing to do with willpower.

There's a whole industry dedicated to creating hyperpalatable foods that hit all of the sensory triggers that compel you to keep on plowing through that bag of chips, box of cookies, or bucket of chicken. They are like fireworks in your brain, a party in your mouth...you get the idea. (READ MORE…)

Change Your Self-Talk To Change Your Identity

Change Your Self-Talk To Change Your Identity

“What we dwell on, we become." —Oprah Winfrey

The quote above from one of the most successful women in entertainment history highlights the simple idea that what we focus our attention on begets more of that thing, even if only in our own mind, and it is in our MIND where our reality is constructed.

Read the full article for some ideas on how to take control of your self-talk to build the identity and self-image you want…

The Truth Behind "Athletic" Body Fat Levels for Women

The Truth Behind "Athletic" Body Fat Levels for Women

Have you ever wondered what your body fat percentage "should" be?

With the general standard that higher than 33% body fat for women is considered obese and the considerable stigma around that term, the outrageous claims of low body fat for celebrities and "fitness influencers", and the unrealistic images in the media (often photoshopped, but sometimes the result of dangerous weight-cutting / dehydration pre-photo-shoot), we've been given some really skewed perspective to work with.

Read the full article for the TRUTH behind the body fat percentages of some really athletic women - it might surprise you!

What Does "Healthy Eating" Look Like FOR YOU?

What Does "Healthy Eating" Look Like FOR YOU?

On a coaching call this past week, one of our members expressed her frustration with one of the lessons that asked her to “Imagine a really awesome, healthy, delicious meal.”

The problem was that what her brain told her a “really awesome, healthy meal” should be didn’t at all look like something delicious to her.

Achieving the health and physique outcomes you want and maintaining them is all about finding the balance that works for you between what you’re doing now and that unattainable “perfect” ideal diet.

Here’s how it works…

I've Been Robbed! (...of my "calories burned")

I've Been Robbed!  (...of my "calories burned")

Your Calories Burned Through Exercise May NOT Be As Much As You Think…

Some interesting research came to my attention this week showing that even though your fancy smart watch tells you that you’ve burned 100 calories, your body has really only burned 72 more calories than it would have had you not exercised at all because it automatically ramps-down base energy expenditure (BEE) in response to the activity to compensate for energy consumed.

Read on to see what this means for YOU, and what you can do about it!

Is There An "Off-Season" For Fitness?

Is There An "Off-Season" For Fitness?

We've all heard of the "off-season" for competitive athletes. It's that time of year when they're not in competition, and are either backing off on training to recover for their next season, or amping up their training to be in better condition. Either way, managing the off-season well is often crucial to the performance of an athlete from season to season, and in increasing career longevity.

But what about those of us who don't compete?

What if our "sport" is simply being better at our lives - being stronger, healthier and happier? Is there an off-season for that?

Well...yes and no.

Finding Purpose / Direction In My Journey - Coach JP's Journal

Finding Purpose / Direction In My Journey - Coach JP's Journal

OK - I’m Struggling

Over the past couple of months, but this past eight days in particular, I’ve experienced what I would describe as the culmination or confluence of a number of different stresses and struggles. It’s felt as if the sum of all the difficulties and challenges of this past 14 months has finally burst the floodgates and beaten me down. As a result, I haven’t been journaling this past eight days because I didn’t want it to be just a repeating message of negativity.

Why I've Put Away All My Spartan Race Medals...

Why I've Put Away All My Spartan Race Medals...

I’ve been struggling this past month with a feeling of…ambivalence, I guess would be the word (or maybe indifference?), when it comes to my own training and nutrition. This may seem a strange thing to hear from a personal trainer and nutrition coach, but hey…I’m just as human and fallible as any of you!

I made a commitment to endeavour to lead by example this year, and this is hardly the example I want to set, so I’ve been keeping these thoughts / feelings to myself and just trying to work them out behind the scenes. Again, though - sometimes I just need to get stuff down on “paper” (or the current digital equivalent) to work stuff out, so here goes…

THIS Is What Happens If You Don't Consume Enough Protein

THIS Is What Happens If You Don't Consume Enough Protein

In a recent email with a coaching client, I found myself more clearly articulating than ever before why eating sufficient protein is really crucial to optimizing your body composition, so I thought I’d share my “moment of clarity” here. ;)

For the sake of this example / explanation, we’re looking at two scenarios, with the total calorie intake in both cases being the same, with that amount theoretically being exactly right for “maintenance” (I.E. neither gaining nor losing weight), but in one scenario the diet contains insufficient protein to support tissue turnover and repairing the micro-damage that occurs in our muscles when we participate in moderate to intense training, especially resistance / strength training.

Here’s the deal…

Veggie Versatility - Prepping The Same Ingredients Different Ways

Veggie Versatility - Prepping The Same Ingredients Different Ways

In a recent conversation with one of my nutrition coaching clients, he mentioned that it was sometimes frustrating to find a recipe, buy all the ingredients, and then find himself stuck with a bunch of extra raw ingredients left over and not know what to do with them. This is particularly true for singles living alone, or even couples.

A good example is buying a head of cauliflower and only needing a cup or two of florets in a recipe - how can you effectively make use of the rest of it, instead of it just wasting away in the fridge and eventually going in the bin? Sure, you could just make a big batch of the same thing, but few people enjoy eating the same thing for every lunch and dinner all week!

So - challenge accepted, I went with a list of ingredients my client provided and set out to make four different meals with them.

Reflections On A Rough Start To 2021

Reflections On A Rough Start To 2021

As I sit here, NOT running my first training sessions of 2021 this morning due to a gout attack (something which is, thankfully, quite rare for me these days, but this one was particularly ill-timed), I find myself reflecting on what I plan to do with myself this year, and the challenges I may face.

I have set myself four main tasks to work on this year to help me become a better coach and leader, and in particular to aid me in leading by example with those over whom I have some influence (however small):

  1. Practice and improve my craft as a Nutrition Coach.

  2. Explore my limits as a Multi-Disciplinary Athlete.

  3. Further develop my skills as a Cook and Baker.

  4. Practice and improve my craft as a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle Content Creator.

Here’s what I’m thinking…

Is "Eating Clean" Driving You Crazy?

Is "Eating Clean" Driving You Crazy?

When most people think of obsessive behaviour around food, they think of the classic “food addiction” kind of person, who craves and/or gorges themselves on unhealthy treats, or an “emotional eater” who eats to feel better about themselves or their lives, to distract themselves from their other issues, or simply because they’re bored. Sometimes, these behaviours can lead to eating disorders like bulimia as people punish themselves for their indulgence. These are real problems, and take work to overcome. (If any of that sounds like you, we can help, or at least point you in the right direction – Contact Us to start the discussion)

Today, though, I want to talk about the other end of the spectrum, which is at least as damaging to your mental and emotional well-being, and often comes about when someone has worked their way through one or more of those classic food addiction or emotional eating issues, or has been a chronic dieter. While eating healthier overall is an admirable goal, constantly worrying about “eating clean” or berating yourself for not being restrictive enough or “perfect” at sticking with a better diet is very unhealthy. In fact, it has its own disorder – orthorexia.

Maintaining Your "Trail Legs" When You’re Stuck Indoors

Maintaining Your "Trail Legs" When You’re Stuck Indoors

It’s absolutely possible to maintain the “spring” in your legs while stuck indoors, whether that be due to the current pandemic “shutdown”, bad winter weather, or the wildfire smoke we’ve seen over the past few years. You just need three simple things: Leg Blasters, Skipping or Hopping (depending on whether or not you have a skipping rope), and Flutter Kicks.

Training At Home? Here's Some Equipment We'd Recommend!

Training At Home?  Here's Some Equipment We'd Recommend!

If like many people these days, you’re stuck training at home, you may be wondering what equipment you need to get a really good workout that covers all your bases.

We’re going to be lending out most of our equipment to our in-person training members to use while we’re shut down, but if you want / need to buy some gear of your own to get in a good workout at home, we’ve put together this list of recommended equipment to help make it easy for you!

Protein Price List - UPDATED 2020.01.27

Protein Price List - UPDATED 2020.01.27

One of the keys to maintaining a lean, healthy body is eating enough protein. In addition to the energy (calories) it provides, protein also provides essential amino acids that are needed by your body to rebuild and renew tissue, vitamins and minerals to support your body’s day-to-day functions, AND it can help rev up your metabolism because your body has to work harder to break it down than it does for carbs or fats.

Ideally, we should be getting most of our protein needs from whole foods, but sometimes it’s tough to know what to buy, especially if you’re on a budget. For that reason, every once in a while, I take a cruise through the local grocery store and update this protein price list for the reference of our members at The BTG, and now I’ve decided to share it with all of you!

The Perfect Diet Part 1 - "The Keto Question"

The Perfect Diet Part 1 - "The Keto Question"

As a trainer and nutrition coach, people frequently ask me about the latest fad diets. These days, people are asking about ketogenic diets. A few years back, it was always about gluten-free or Paleo. Back when I started in the industry, the Zone diet and Atkins were the big ones. Pretty consistently throughout, people always ask about “cleanses” (which are total B.S., but I’ll get into those in another post).

Everyone wants to know what the “Perfect Diet” is for them. Will the latest fad work for them? After all, their friend Sally lost 20 pounds doing X, so it must be good, right?

My answer is almost always, “It depends.”

The most common thing I’m asked about these days is Keto, and whether folks should be avoiding carbs, so here is my answer to “The Keto Question”…

2020 Spartan Race Prep - Run / Mountain Training

2020 Spartan Race Prep - Run / Mountain Training

In 2020, we have several athletes looking to complete their first Spartan Trifecta, and lots looking to make a return to the Spartan course for a Sprint or Super. I’m really pleased to see so many of you sharing my enthusiasm for the challenge of Spartan races, and I look forward to an even more successful year on the mountains and trails in 2020!

So far, all of you who are part of The BTG Spartan Team for 2020 have run at least one Spartan race before, so you have a good idea of the basics. We’re going to take things up a notch (or three!) in our preparation for the 2020 races to get you all to where you’re not just completing your chosen races, but to where you can feel that you’re actually “competitive” and putting in a performance you’ll be really proud of.

Because most of the races we have on our tentative schedule take place on challenging, mountainous courses, prepping your legs for that challenge will be our main focus. We want to build speed, power and durability so that you can crush those hills and still feel relatively fresh when you get to the obstacles…

Once Again, I Have Failed

Once Again, I Have Failed

Sunday, September 29, 2019
On yesterday’s Valley Vertikiller 25K Clinic training run, I failed.

Right around the 15K mark of a planned 20K distance (with 1,100m of climbing!), my legs fought back against my will with a vengeance. Excruciating cramps in my hip flexors, quads and adductors literally brought me to a standstill, and I had to will my muscles to relax enough to keep moving forward. Every step from that point forward was an exercise in suffering and anger.