JPS Body Transformation Group Inc.
Facility Rules and Regulations
All members of The BTG are subject to and agree to abide by these Facility Rules and Regulations as a condition of their membership. If you do not agree with any part of these policies, please see The BTG Management immediately to discuss your concerns.
Please also note that in the case of a disagreement between anything in our Facility Rules and Regulations and our Membership Agreement and Waiver of Liability, the conditions of the Membership Agreement and Waiver of Liability will take precedence.
PLEASE READ RE: COVID-19 Precautions
1. If you answer “Yes” to either of the following questions (in 1a. and 1b. below) on the day of your scheduled session, DO NOT enter our facility:
a. Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue or loss of appetite.
b. Are you, or anyone you are living with, either sick, self-isolating, or quarantined?
2. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your scheduled session.
Be sure to bring CLEAN footwear that has NOT been worn outside, a towel and a pre-filled water bottle (until further notice, members are NOT permitted to refill their water bottles on site).
3. Before entering, please look for the sign in the window on the front door.
If it says “Come On In!” you’re good to go.
If it says “Please Wait Outside”, please do not enter, as we are either still in session with the previous group, or are still sanitizing the facility for your session. The door may be locked in this case.
4. When entering please use your elbow to press down on the lever to open the door on your way in.
A door closer has been installed that *should* close the door behind you. Please pause and make sure it closes properly – if not, give it a nudge with your elbow. 😉
5. Upon entering the premises, please remove your outside shoes and place them on the shoe racks provided, silence your phone ringer (if applicable), then proceed directly to the bathroom and wash your hands. This is MANDATORY before touching the door handle to enter the gym.
Dry your hands using the paper towel provided and dispose of your used paper towel in the waste bin.
Please leave room for the person ahead of you to wash their hands and proceed into the gym before entering the bathroom to wash your hands. If you poke your head around and see someone in the bathroom, just wait by the front closet.
Family members / significant others from the same household are exceptions to this rule.
6. Please DO NOT close the door to the bathroom unless you are using the toilet , as this will save me having to repeatedly sanitize the bathroom door pull. Also, please do not turn off the light in the bathroom!
With this in mind, we ask that everyone arrive dressed for training until further notice.
7. When you enter the training room, please place your phone and other items you won't need to access during training in a cubby, but keep your water bottle and towel with you.
We ask that you DO NOT access the cubbies during the session to avoid crossover between spaces.
8. Throughout the session, where possible, please maintain 2 metres distance from your fellow members.
Note that your coach crossing through the space may be unavoidable because we may have to retrieve equipment for each of you.
9. Upon finishing your session, please leave your equipment where it is for your coach to sanitize it, and take turns accessing the cubbies to retrieve your things and using the bathroom to wash your hands on the way out.
Please do this as quickly and efficiently as possible to allow me the maximum time available to sanitize everything for the next group.
Member Expectations
At The BTG, we are committed to providing each of our members with the best training experience possible. We do our best to ensure that your sessions are safe, effective (and maybe even a little fun), and we try to foster a comfortable, supportive environment to help you succeed.
In return, we expect the following from you as members:
Be Respectful of Your Fellow Members
One of the most important things that makes The BTG a great place to train is the friendly, family-like atmosphere created by all of our members and staff, who we like to collectively refer to as The BTG Family.
Treat everyone how you want to be treated – it’s as simple as that. Abusive, lewd, demeaning, or otherwise inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, period. If you can’t get along, you will be asked to leave, and we may have to take the unfortunate decision to cancel your membership, at our sole discretion.
Be Respectful of Our Home/Facility
As a member of The BTG, my family and I are welcoming you into our home as our guest on a regular basis. We ask that you please act appropriately. This includes:
Please wear only clean, dry footwear inside our home, and in the training room. If your shoes are wet or dirty, please remove them at the front door. Bring your workout shoes with you and change into them when you come inside if necessary.
Bring a towel with you to your workout, and use it where necessary to clean up your sweat, etc. behind you. We also have anti-bacterial wipes and sanitizing sprays for this purpose where appropriate.
If you bring garbage with you (E.G. disposable water bottles, etc.), please take it with you when you leave.
Bear in mind that there will almost always be small children around our home, and please speak and act in an appropriate manner around them.
Please be mindful that we are in a residential neighbourhood, and drive with care when you arrive and leave, and park with consideration for our neighbours and their space.
If you are unable to be respectful of our home and training facility, we may have to take the unfortunate decision to cancel your membership, at our sole discretion.
Be Respectful of Our Time and Yours
The BTG Team and your fellow members have set aside part of their day to spend time with you and help you succeed. You can best be respectful of their time and yours by doing the following:
Arrive 5 minutes early for your session - the movement prep and warm-up part of the workout is meant to start at your session's scheduled start time, and is mandatory. Arrive five minutes early so that you are ready to go on-time. If you are not ready to start on-time, we may unfortunately have to decline your participation in that session, due to space limitations and safety concerns. In our limited confines, we simply do not have the room for people to warm-up when a session is underway.
Don't arrive TOO early - while we’d love to have you hang out with us, due to our limited space, and for safety reasons, there may not be room for you to arrive and hang out while a previous session is still in progress. If you arrive before the previous session has finished and The BTG staff determines that your presence is unsafe or disruptive to the session, we may ask you to come back later. Aim for 5-10 minutes before your scheduled session start time to avoid any issues.
If you can't make it, let us know - we know that stuff happens, and sometimes you can't make it to your scheduled workout. Please have the courtesy to let us know you will not be attending ahead of time, so that your trainer and fellow members are not waiting for you to get started, or worrying about what happened to you.
We have very limited spaces available for training, and don't want to see you letting them go to waste. If you are unable to be respectful of our time and yours, and are repeatedly showing up late or no-showing your workouts without letting us know ahead of time, we may have to take the unfortunate decision to cancel your membership and make room for someone else who wants to train with us, at our sole discretion.
Be Respectful of Our Business
While we do think of all of our members as friends and part of The BTG Family, this is a business, and we have financial obligations to deal with. Be a responsible adult, and please pay your bills on time, and in full. Repeated late or short payments may result in us having to cancel your membership, at our sole discretion.
Holiday & Facilities Closure Policies
Members' Holidays
Because of our very limited membership capacity, the BTG does not offer any membership suspension options for members’ holidays. Therefore, memberships and the automatic billing for them will continue through members’ holidays, and no credit will be given for sessions missed during these absences.
Scheduled BTG Holiday Closures
The gym will be closed for the following holidays, plus the Fridays preceding any holidays that regularly fall on Mondays (noted with an asterisk * below):
New Year’s Day (January 1)
BC Family Day (3rd Monday in February)*
Good Friday (varies from year to year)
Easter Monday (varies from year to year)
Victoria Day (3rd Monday in May)*
Canada Day (July 1)
BC Day (1st Monday in August)*
Labour Day (1st Monday in September)*
Thanksgiving Day (2nd Monday in October)*
Remembrance Day (November 11)
Christmas Day (December 25)
Boxing Day (December 26)
Staff Holidays and Facilities Maintenance
The gym will also be closed for up to 4 weeks (20 business days) every year to allow our staff to have time off, and also allow more major maintenance/upgrades at the facility to be completed.
If New Year's Day, Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day and/or Boxing Day fall on weekdays when we would normally conduct training, an equivalent number of days will be deducted from the 20 business days allotted for staff holidays and facilities maintenance.
No credit will be given for sessions missed during these scheduled holiday periods, as our monthly membership rates already take these into account.
Closures Due to Inclement Weather
Your safety is important to us! If weather conditions are such that access to our facility is not deemed safe by The BTG management/staff (E.G. the street, driveway or path is extremely icy, or “whiteout” road conditions occur in the vicinity of the facility), we will close the facility and inform all members with subsequently scheduled sessions of the closure by whatever means we have available. While we will make every effort to schedule make-up sessions in lieu of such a closure, we cannot guarantee it will be possible, and no credit for sessions missed will be given.
Closures Due to Power Outage
For safety (and practical) reasons, we will not train during a power outage. If a brief outage occurs during a training session, and we are able to continue in short order, we will. If an extended power outage occurs, we will close the facility. While we will make every effort to schedule make-up sessions in lieu of such a closure, we cannot guarantee it will be possible, and no credit for sessions missed will be given.
Nutrition Advice Policy
At The BTG, we are not doctors, naturopaths or dietitians – we are fitness professionals. We may, from time to time, whether as part of a nutrition coaching program or not, provide advice regarding nutrition and/or nutritional supplements solely for the purposes of weight loss, sports performance, and lifestyle improvement. This advice is given in the context of what has worked for us personally to attain similar goals, or what we have learned through reading, research and certifications in sports/performance nutrition.
In no way is any nutrition advice given at The BTG to be construed as medical nutrition therapy (I.E. treatment for any particular medical condition), as that is beyond our scope of practice. If you have any doubts about the information you are given by anyone at The BTG, do not use it without first seeking the advice of a medical professional.
If you have any specific medical conditions that you require dietary advice about, seek the assistance of a health professional – ask your doctor or naturopath, or contact a dietitian. The government of BC provides many free resources on the HealthLink BC website at, or by calling the “Dial-A-Dietitian” line at 811.
Notwithstanding the above, if you choose to follow any nutrition advice given at The BTG, you do so at your own risk. Please refer to the Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement you signed for further information.