Alyssa says...
1:1 Coaching with Coach JP is providing me with the building blocks to start making better choices in all areas of my life.
I am one of those people who knows what they SHOULD be doing for a healthy lifestyle, but can never seem to actually DO it. When I would gear myself up enough to try, I'd follow through for a week or two before ultimately failing in a spectacular explosion of despair and chocolate covered gummy bears.
Online coaching has not turned me into someone who eats soggy chicken breast and vegetables each day (and I can pretty much guarantee it never will). More importantly, it is providing me with the building blocks to start making better choices in all areas of my life, and the accountability and encouragement to keep on building.
My attitude towards myself has undeniably shifted, setbacks and all, and I am proud of myself and grateful to JP for getting me this far. I can't underscore enough the importance of having JP and his coaching in my life!